Friday, December 5, 2008

Can't Believe It's Been a Year Since my Last Post!!

So what have I been doing? Working hard and crocheting whenever I can, which is a lot and never as much as I'd like. I've come to the realization that even if I could crochet all day, it wouldn't be enough. True sign of an addict, right? Well, those of you who can relate will be proud that your fellow hooker has put her addictive behaviors to good use. Yep, I opened a crochet shop on etsy -- mycrochetpassion! There are so many things that I enjoy making and want to make, so why not let others share in the joy of my passion, right? After all, I don't have room around here for all of my lovingly created pieces. And any room that I can find I need for my yarn stash - lol! So click this link - check out my shop, make it a Favorite and leave me a comment at the store or back here on my blog.

Oh, I almost forgot ... when you're at my etsy shop -- mycrochetpassion -- keep in my mind that for the entire month of December, if you purchase two or more items in one single order, you pay no (none, zero, zilch) S&H fees. Whoo-hoo!Well, I've gotta get back to hookin' but I hope to be back with an update soon, at least before another whole year goes by!

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